• hong kong fruits

水果進口 Fruits Import: Hong Kong



買水果 我們定為您帶來最好的貨

How do we work?

We can provide you essential information about your import products. When you order from us, we are taking your risk through of you. Our main task is to supply you quality fruits and vegetables from our packaging house or reliable supplier.

If you buy fruits – we will offer you best products.

我們的合作夥伴 We work with:

  • 新鮮水果批發商 Fresh fruit wholesaler
  • 商鋪以及連鎖店 Shop and chain store
  • 新鮮水果以及乾果買家 Fresh and dried fruit buyer
  • 不同國家的種植者 Grower/Packer from different country


新鮮水果: 麒麟果, 櫻桃, 無花果, 杏子, 蜜瓜, 石榴果, 熱情果, 桃子, 芒果, 木瓜,
柑橘類: 檸檬, 葡萄柚, 香橙


Fruits: Pitahaya, pomegranate, peach, strawberry, cherry, fig, mango etc.
Citrus: Lemon, grapefruit, orange, mandarin
Vegetables: Garlic, Cherry Tomato